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Brenda's Blooms and More

Garden Cart Yard Dump

Garden Cart Yard Dump

Regular price $105.99 USD
Regular price $0.00 USD Sale price $105.99 USD
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Type: Dump Cart


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Note:We ship the item from usa warehouse,as usually u will get the item about 5-7days,it is very fast to u.

This metal deck garden wagon is ideal for nurseries and greenhouse applications, but can be used around the house and yard as well. The frame has a water and rust resistant green powder coated finish that can handle anything the weather throws at it. It is guaranteed to withstand the elements – whether rain or shine. Don't be hesitated! Come and buy one! You won't regret it!


1. High quality and brand new
2. Easy to Maneuver
3. Easy to clean
4. Not easy to rust
5. Easy grip, powder-coated handle for long lasting comfort


1. Material: Steel
2. Color: Green
3. Dimensions: (34 x 18 x 38)" / (86 x 46 x 97)cm (L x D x H)
4. Product Weight:  25.3lbs / 11.5kg


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